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Leadership, Mental + Emotional Team Pilea Leadership, Mental + Emotional Team Pilea

Super Struggles and Super Powers

Entrepreneurs tend to have complex psychologies-being more likely than the general population to experience common psychological challenges like ADHD, depression, Bipolar and other symptoms. Each of these psychologies also comes with huge gifts including creativity, risk tolerance, empathy and reality checking. Use this tool to assess your super powers and super struggles to help support your struggles and nurture your super powers.

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Kari Sulenes Kari Sulenes

Get Unstuck From Your Velcro

When we are tasked with surviving in non-ideal situations as children, we take matters into our own hands because we are self-centered and assume the problem is us. As a result, we adapt because we cannot ask our environments to change. When we become adults, we can change our environments, but these internal adjustments stick around. I call these patterns my Velcro.

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Kari Sulenes Kari Sulenes

If You Can’t Say Something Nice, Give This a Try

As children we’re taught to be nice. You know, that whole, “Say something nice or don’t say anything at all” business. The problem here is that it doesn’t leave room for when the situation requires something other than niceties, when nice won’t get to the heart of the matter or make change.

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Kari Sulenes Kari Sulenes

On Vulnerability and Survival Mechanisms

For most of us, what kept us safe and loved as children holds us back and causes chaos in our lives as adults. If this is true for you to any degree, consider that survival mechanisms are likely to come out when safety and love feel threatened.

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Kari Sulenes Kari Sulenes

Letters To My Teachers

An exploration of an entrepreneur’s mind through letters to teachers who saw and didn’t see the superpower locked up in a mind who struggled with traditional school.

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Kari Sulenes Kari Sulenes

The Link Between Burnout and DEI

The intersectional identity that each of us walks around with every day influences the degree of congruence with which we enter a space. Said differently, those who have more points of marginalization are "surface acting," or expending more energy and moving through more resistance to do the same activities than those with more points of privilege. This is also true for people who have hidden points of marginalization because there is an energy cost to staying hidden or in considering revealing oneself.

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Kari Sulenes Kari Sulenes

Burnout Doesn't Result From Hours Worked

Most people think that burnout comes from working too many hours and having a never-ending stack of work. That's not totally untrue, but it's also not the whole truth.

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