How to Build Without Burnout: Working Sustainably

While developing Pilea, I noticed that founders experience some common traits that put them at high risk of mental health disruption, burnout, and difficult relationships. We hear stories of founders living on $1/day, sleeping under their desks, working 23 hours per day, and sacrificing everything to win. But winning at all costs often means the severe loss of quality of life and leadership from self-neglect which—in the worst of cases—can lead to the loss of a founder’s life by suicide.


What is Burnout?

Burnout Syndrome is commonly defined as a process with four stages: 

  1. Enthusiasm

  2. Over-investment

  3. Disillusionment

  4. Burnout

To make the risk of burnout in startups even greater, the first and second stages are enthusiasm and over-investment—characteristics that are both hired for and cultivated within a startup environment. In fact, startups cannot succeed without people willing to throw their whole selves into work. 

Each stage of the burnout process is characterized by physical, emotional, mental, relational, and organizational features. As you read, take notice of the statements that apply to you so you can begin practicing habits that prevent or reduce burnout.

Stage 1: Enthusiasm

Some theories of burnout suggest that idealistic and highly motivated individuals who are dedicated to their work are more likely to burnout (Büssing and May, 1997). However, having the predisposing factors DOES NOT mean that you will develop burnout. You can stay in enthusiasm indefinitely if you care for your physical, mental/emotional and relational wellbeing. 

Enthusiasm might look like:


  • Willing to sacrifice sleep to finish work

  • Beginning the work day early and ending late

  • Working quickly and efficiently as if on a sprint


  • Thinking and talking about work outside of work hours

  • Beginning to take on work problems as personal projects

  • Identifying with your role or workplace


  • Investing heavily in work relationships

  • Stepping in to understand and solve interpersonal problems at work

  • Significant emotional energy spent comparing yourself to others

  • Strategically aligning yourself with key leaders and adopting workplace culture as your own

Suggestion: If you identify at this stage, try an energy audit.

An energy audit is an opportunity to explore where you get your energy and what takes away your energy. 

Stage 2: Over-investment

Just like having your money over-invested, over-investing at work can put you in a precarious position. Over-investment is where the behaviors that lead to burnout start to take hold and become habits. In this phase, most of us are starting to feel dissatisfied or recognize that things aren’t working. Many high-achieving people redouble their efforts at work, seeking recognition or trying to justify their lack of balance. This, of course, results in the early stages of Burnout Syndrome. Many of us live here for years and years. The more an over-investor invests in work the less they notice all of the factors missing in their lives. This stage can be characterized as “one-chapter living.” This essentially means that instead of having multiple sections, priorities, and areas of interest in your day, you just focus on one: work.

Over-investment might look like:


  • Tired at the end of workdays and non-workdays

  • Sleeping problems including difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting too little sleep

  • Engaging in escaping behaviors like a “wind-down” drink after work or zoning out to television

  • Eating poorly (too much, too little, or the wrong things)

  • Totally neglecting exercise or active recreation


  • Desire to “check out” or “zone out”

  • Lack of desire to engage in non-work activities

  • Feeling numb, tired, wired, or jittery when sitting still

  • Losing touch with friends, family, and not making time for intimate connections

  • Getting a great feeling over being a “hero” at work, balanced with disappointments or imposter feelings


  • Irritable with colleagues, friends, and family

  • Noticing or actively seeking “role-creep” and taking on more than one person can/should do

  • Identity is totally wrapped up in work

  • Start reacting to work being thrown at you rather than designing your days and contributions

Suggestion: If you identify with this stage, try to fill out your wheel of life.

This activity is intended to help you reflect on what's important in your life and how you are attending to all of your values.

Stage 3: Disillusionment

Disillusionment is the third stage of burnout, and the actual symptoms of burnout appear here. Folks often complain of feeling physically uncomfortable; seeing stress manifesting in headaches, stomach aches, and musculoskeletal discomfort. Most of these symptoms are the early warning signs of habits and chronic stress starting to take hold. In the third phase of burnout it is necessary to create space for multi-chapter living and adequate sleep, diet, exercise, and social engagement. Many people benefit from working with an integrative doctor who can test cortisol levels and a therapist or coach who can support healthy habit change.

Disillusionment might look like:


  • Headaches

  • Gastrointestinal problems

  • Sleep issues

  • Over reliance on coffee and alcohol (or other drugs) to speed up and slow down

  • Weight-loss or weight-gain

  • Getting sick more often


  • Fatigued, especially in the afternoons

  • Low mood, negative self-talk, and lack of motivation for previously enjoyed activities

  • Irritable at work and home, often feeling hurried or anxious

  • Loss of optimism or hope, becomes despondent about the outcomes of effort

  • Imposter syndrome and doubting one’s abilities


  • Isolation, loneliness, or neglect of significant relationships

  • Desire to stop working, maybe increased absenteeism or fantasy of taking days off

  • Decreased attention to detail, loss of focus, increased disorganization or confusion

  • Intermittent hatred or dislike for work, and disconnection from the mission and vision

Suggestion: If you feel like you may be in this phase, consider taking a burnout assessment. The Maslach Burnout Inventory is the gold standard for workplace burnout research. You can find this test online here. Also, reach out (contact info below) for an introduction to Pilea’s Integrative MD to help you understand the ways chronic stress is impacting your body and how to fix it.

Stage 4: Burnout

If you took the burnout assessment, many of the factors of burnout are represented there. By the time people get here, it’s pretty clear what’s going on. Leaders I have known end up in the hospital with stress-related disorders, ongoing sickness, and autoimmune disorders (also related to stress). Others become so numb or anxious that they simply cannot make it to work another day. Burnout is a condition that requires support and space for healing. If you're reading this, you do not have full-blown burnout: a) you wouldn't be at work and b) you couldn't concentrate long enough to get through this article. This is great news! In every stage prior to this one, burnout is preventable and symptoms are reversible with some self-awareness and intentional practice.

If you somehow made it here and believe that you are experiencing burnout, please reach out immediately because Pilea can help.


Here are some things you can do to make your workplace or team burnout free.

  • Offer team members autonomy in creating their work processes

  • Recognize others for their contributions and notice their sacrifices

  • Support one another in great self-care by asking about sleep, exercise, diet, social lives, and meditation practice regularly

We are all responsible for setting up sustainable lives that support our values. 


There are two pieces to constructing a life resistant to the symptoms of burnout: 

1) Reflect on your values and life-giving & life-sucking activities to create a life design using our energy audit activity.

2) Develop psychological and physical resilience by attending to each piece of your wheel of life.

Both of these require significant self-reflection and self-knowledge. Knowing yourself, what you need, and your greatest ways to contribute sets you up to be enthusiastic in your work for a long long time.

This is where a coach can be helpful. Book a free coaching consultation with us to get matched with a coach that’s right for you. You can email with any questions.


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