Dealing With Uncertainty in Uncertain Times


As the global pandemic carries on, so must we all. However, most of us find ourselves in totally new territory, surrounded by uncertainty. Uncertainty is not necessarily a state that we are unfamiliar with as founders and leaders, but with so little to hold onto right now, it's revealing some of our deep tendencies.

This is an amazing time to stop and reflect on how uncertainty makes you feel. Does it drive you to do; to act? Does it make you want to curl up and hide? Are you overwhelmed by anxiety? Or doggedly seeking concrete facts to anchor to? This month, we invite you to sit with the feeling of uncertainty and remember as you do so that the only certainty in life is change. This feeling will change, our economy will change, consumer behavior will change. How we sit with this tsunami of uncertainty now can help us to understand how we navigate the rest of our lives.

If you aren't sure HOW to sit with uncertainty, you might try starting with a morning journaling practice or talking with a close friend about it. Meditation can also be a great practice to explore the physical and mental effects of uncertainty.

While we are asking you to sit still and observe, we also know that 'doing' can feel like a soothing band-aid in a time like this. So, we have included a list of some of our favorite things to do.

Do what you always did, but different - Take a walk, meditate (we like VR meditation with TRIPP), listen to a podcast in place of your morning commute. Keep your coffee dates and happy hours, but move them online.

Play! - One thing that we have been enjoying is connecting in new ways. Play board games online. Practice drawing. Get inspired to cook something new (try a master stock!).

Stay Active - I know we talk about Future Fit a lot, but we are so glad we have our remote personal trainer to help keep us accountable for staying active and they will modify your workouts to use whatever you have in your home.

YogaX is also offering free yoga classes online 3 days a week over Zoom so you still get the feel of being in class with everyone. These are all level classes and FREE! 

MUD\WTR is hosting daily breathwork on Instagram live at noon PDT. 

Brush up your deck - This is not only a shameless plug, but it's also something we genuinely enjoy. Our partner at Alpha Bridge Ventures Jake Chapman (@vc) started a substack, The Labyrinth, in which he does slide-by-slide deck reviews. It's a quick read and it's awesome! This is a great time to stop and reassess what is most important to you and what is your story. Try this Story Telling exercise from Pilea Coach Jessica Mastors.

Ditch your coffee - Why not now? Not that we have anything against coffee exactly but caffeine can contribute to fatigue and anxiety. Especially now, the things you put in your body should be supporting you rather than adding to your anxiety. Find things that support your adrenal and nervous systems. We have been replacing coffee with MUD\WTR. It's chock full of adaptogens and things to support hormone balance, energy, and focus. Green tea is full of antioxidants and elderberry tea can help boost your immune system.

Connect with your people - Keep your coffee dates and happy hours. Host a virtual birthday party or bingo night!

Join a Peer Group - If you're like us you are having a hard time setting boundaries between life and work now that your partner is your WFH coworker. Having a place to talk about your challenges and struggles relating to work can be invaluable in times like this. If you are a founder (or investor) looking for community and leadership development, grab an open spot now. If you are an investor looking to support your portfolio, offer a Pilea group to your founders.

We love to hear from you! Reach out and tell us what your life and routine look like now on Twitter (@joinpilea) or LinkedIn.


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